Thursday, February 25, 2010

Isn't it time????

What amazing thing would you like to do that you have always dreamed about, prayed about happening? Is there a place you wish to travel that you find so fascinating? Is there a person you wish to meet that will empower you far beyond words? Is there a book you have been putting off reading? Is there a movie that you can't wait to see? Is there something in your life you wish to do that you will regret if you never have the opportunity? What is it? Why haven't you done it? What are you waiting for? How long will you keep putting it off? How long will you provide excuses for not completing the task? Life waits for no-one......The Time is Now!

Do you require any help to accomplish these goals? Are you able to identify what you need to complete your goals? Do you need help following thru with your tasks?

Share with the BluButterfli....your story may be the encouragement that will help someone else, or you may be able to connect with the resource that ignites your progress & success.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sacrifice/ Surrender Season.....what things will you give-up?

As we approach the Spring season,a time of freshness, renewal and rebirth, are there thing(s) you may want to sacrifice and give-up, so that newness can begin?

Are there weeds, "dead things", still connected to your roots needing to be removed? Are there places that you cannot visit that are unsafe and cause you pain? Are there relationships that need to end, are their old habits/addictions that are monopolizing your precious time, that need to cease? What changes in your life are you willing to sacrifice/surrender and give-up, so that your heart, mind, body, and spirit can be open to freedom of exciting expectations, love, and peace? What positive, productive, prosperous, and peaceful things will you replace the negative void with during your Spring preparation? Isn't it time??

Let's talk about it.....BluButterfli

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Have you ever thought.....?

Have you ever sat and wondered why music touches your heart? Is it the music itself or is the lyrics that causes you to respond? Is it because of the sound that forces you to move, feel, think, or remember? Words or songs linked together or separate are profound, exhilarating, emotional, exhausting, energetic, meaningful, scary, and even uncontrollable- causing you to feel a specific emotion, or to cause you to re-enter a place of pain, confusion, or the ecstasy of a memory....WOW! Music & Words= Songs....

As you listen the radio, ipod, or your play favorite CDs...which song speaks to your heart? if you are watching television or experiencing a musical or opera, which song cause a chill up your spine or is so disturbing you have to remove yourself from its space? Whether you can hear a note played or sing a tune, it, the words or songs effects your inner being....have you ever thought, why?

What is your life's "theme" song at the moment? If you never hear a note of music or if you never see the song performed, which lyrics means the most to your spirit? Which song or lyrics touches you in places that causes a tear to fall- allowing the reminders of the hurts to leak out?

Which songs speaks the words you wish to share with the one(s) you love the most? Which song or lyrics provides you the most comfort when you feel alone? Which song or lyrics brings you the greatest joy when you are sad, encourages your heart when you are disappointed, or brings out your brightest smile? Which song or lyrics perfectly says, "I am sorry" or "I love you"? Which song or lyrics gives you the energy to dance freely as if no one were watching?

Share with the BluButterfli....

Monday, February 8, 2010


February is known throughout the United States as Black History Month.

Honor those special persons you love or admire and/or those persons who have been the most influential in your life and share with us, your most amazing Black American. Perhaps they are persons whose names we know or maybe they are unknown to us, what makes them special to you?

Share with the BluButterfli in honoring and celebrating the memory of many Black Americans who have made a tremendous impact on our freedom, culture, education, entertainment, athletics, and our history. Those magnificent men and women who have influenced us socially, politically, religiously, economically, corporately, culturally, and athletically, all who have all made personal sacrifices for us...

WE SALUTE YOU..... Thank You!

Are you loving yourself and "loving" it?

As we near what most people celebrate as Valentine's Day, the day of expressing love with one another, consider if you include yourself in the loving. We love our children, families, spouses, best buddies, neighbors, and friends, but are we loving ourselves?

What does our heart tells us about the way we love? Do we take time to appreciate the beauty and amazing gifts about ourselves, things that make us laugh when no one is watching? Are we honoring the things that make us feel especially attracted to the person we are becoming?

Give yourself permission to enjoy you! Allow yourself to have the freedom to love you FIRST without feeling guilty, or without being pre-occupied with everything and everyone else. If you don't love and appreciate the gift you are, how can anyone else?

Happy Love Day!! Re-connect with one whom you may have forgotten.......YOU.

Let the BluButterfli know of your plans to celebrate you!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Where are you now?

Today begins the first day of the second month of the new year.

Where are you today in your successfully completing your goals/plans for the new year? Are you still as focused and on track as you were when you created them? Have you drifted from your resolutions? Are you still as excited about the new year as you were on January 31, 2009?

Are you still waking up excited about facing the day's challenges, and are you steadfast in your efforts of accomplishing your goals for 2010?

If not, why? What happened in the last 31 days, what were your distractions/inhibitors? What has caused you to stray from your plans and/or lose excitement? What challenges from your past continue to confront you in your present? Were the goals you established too difficult to attain or too unrealistic? Were the goals you created just a mere effort to satisfy someone else's expectations for you and your life?

If you are still as focused and excited about your experiences for 2010, what is allowing you to remain positive? Have you accomplished any of your goals/plans for this year? How do you feel about where you "are" presently in 2010?

Why do we make resolutions, plans, and/or goals at the beginning of the year anyway?
Does becoming so rigid in our planning remove the freedom of experiencing life in an open and carefree way? Are you stopping to smell the roses, running in the rain, or making snow angels in the snow? Are you laughing harder, smiling more, sharing more of your love?

Life is not promised....take a minute to include "YOU" in your day...even if it means that you divert from your 2010 plan.

Let's talk about it.....Share it with the BluButterfli..