Monday, February 1, 2010

Where are you now?

Today begins the first day of the second month of the new year.

Where are you today in your successfully completing your goals/plans for the new year? Are you still as focused and on track as you were when you created them? Have you drifted from your resolutions? Are you still as excited about the new year as you were on January 31, 2009?

Are you still waking up excited about facing the day's challenges, and are you steadfast in your efforts of accomplishing your goals for 2010?

If not, why? What happened in the last 31 days, what were your distractions/inhibitors? What has caused you to stray from your plans and/or lose excitement? What challenges from your past continue to confront you in your present? Were the goals you established too difficult to attain or too unrealistic? Were the goals you created just a mere effort to satisfy someone else's expectations for you and your life?

If you are still as focused and excited about your experiences for 2010, what is allowing you to remain positive? Have you accomplished any of your goals/plans for this year? How do you feel about where you "are" presently in 2010?

Why do we make resolutions, plans, and/or goals at the beginning of the year anyway?
Does becoming so rigid in our planning remove the freedom of experiencing life in an open and carefree way? Are you stopping to smell the roses, running in the rain, or making snow angels in the snow? Are you laughing harder, smiling more, sharing more of your love?

Life is not promised....take a minute to include "YOU" in your day...even if it means that you divert from your 2010 plan.

Let's talk about it.....Share it with the BluButterfli..

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