Monday, December 28, 2009

What things are you planning to leave in 2009? What amazing new plans do you have for 2010?

We are now in the last days of the year, how are you planning to spend the end of the year and how are you planning to begin the new year?

What hurts, pains, disappointments, frustrations, fears, doubts, enemies, burdens, failures, and "drama" will you leave behind?

What new challenges are you planning to face? What new places are you planning to travel? Are you considering meeting new people that encourage and empower you to live a more fulfilled life? Are you planning to taste new foods, dine in different restaurants, and experience a more fascinating, spiritual, and fulfilling 2010?

Will there be anything new in your life experience? Are you now willing to take more risks to get more of what you want? Will there be any differences in your life?

Life is not promised to us..make the most of today and if blessed prepare for a brighter tomorrow....

Share with us your thoughts!!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Happy!!

Wishing you all an amazing Happy week...However you choose celebrate the holidays, sharing in your wonderful family traditions, religious plans, and friendly celebrations, wearing your ritzy fashions, have a happy memorable experience.

Wishing you safe travels.

Laugh, love, live heartily!!

When you have nothing else to give...spread love, it goes a long way. :)


Stay tuned to our blog for amazing new things from the BluButterfli in 2010!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter wonderland- what do you think about when it snows?

As in some parts of the country during this wintry season, we experience all kinds of weather, we feel crisp air, bright sunshine, icy rains, and we watch the snow fall. It's amazing and beautiful how the flakes fall from the sky and form white coverings over the earth. It instantly smothers out noise, stills all movement.
It creates a stillness and quietness. The hustle and bustle stops and for the BluButterfli, it encourages a period of reflectiveness.

As we approach a new year I can't help thinking about what things in our lives need to be still. Sometimes we need to stop all of the movement and sit in our quietness, reflecting on our hopes, dreams, mistakes, patterns, and friendships.

What things need to be still and quiet in your life? What things do you think about during your still moments?

The BluButterfli wants you to share your thoughts......New year, new things, new beginnings, what will be new for you? (

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What AMAZING things are you doing for someone else during this holiday season? What gift of love are you sharing?

This is typically known as the gift giving season. Please share with us those new family traditions, or acts of kindness you are planning to share with others during this holiday season.

One of the best things to give during this season is time and love.
Love can really make the world go seems like during this season we all can afford to share more love.

Like the BluButterfli always says....yummmmm someone back to life; a smile, an appropriate touch, a prayer, a poem/thought sent in a card, or any act of kindness can really be the thing needed to make it thru the day.

When was the last time you shared a loving gift?

Share your thoughts with us,


Thursday, December 3, 2009

What new and creative ideas are you planning for this holiday season?

We are all aware of these economically challenging times.
We learn daily how large corporations are letting go of valuable staff, persons losing their homes due to foreclosures, more and more persons are homeless, and the list goes on and on. How are we handling all of this, especially now during a season that for some typically is festive and bright, a season for others that offers hope and a rainbow at the end of the storm? It appears now that it's a season that many are dreading and wish would quickly pass.
Can we bring the glee of the season back? Is it really gone?

Have you considered new creative ideas as you prepare your holiday plans, using a modest to no budget? Have you considered how you will offer sunshine to the children that surround you? Have you rummaged through your personal belongings and identified things that no longer have any use to you, with hopes of offering it to someone else?

If you have nothing else to share during this holiday season,
share LOVE & TIME, it will do amazing wonders!!

Let the BluButterfli help you find creative ways to enjoy this holiday us now at .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

HAPPY HOLIDAYS- Are you happy?

Now that the holiday season is here, the Blu Butterfli was wondering if you felt happy. Do you already have your holiday plans? Have you made your gifts of love purchases or completed your projects? Is your home decorated and festive? Are you planning for the new year? Do you feel a giddy burst of laughter due to the excitement this season brings? If NO, why not?
What is causing you not to feel your happiest? What is inhibiting you from identifying creative ways to prepare for this holiday season? What is happening that you wait until the end of the month to make your plans, if at all? Is it due to your lack of resources or is it all dependant upon how you feel? If it solely based on how you feel- what are you planning to do about this "feeling" of unhappiness? how are you planning to change the feeling of unhappiness and hopelessness? Do you want to change it?

Contact the Blu Butterfli at and with our healing tools we can offer your some creative, innovative, & productive suggestions. We believe the more options we have, the less we will feel overwhelmed. We also believe that we must be an intricate participant in the changing of our unhappy/unhealthy feelings, as best as we can, and to work a healing plan; let us offer you support in your healing plan. It may be the very thing you need to enjoy this holiday season, happier.

It is our hope that you will 'live' a better tomorrow, full of passion & promise.