Monday, November 23, 2009

What are you thankful for this holiday season?

Although times are tough and challenging for some of us this season, and it may seem like life is filled with constant "storm" experiences, in the midst of it all, I am sure that there is something to be thankful for.

Let us consider our small blessings during this thanksgiving season; it may be the very thing that sparks hope and energy to face another moment. The things we may take for granted, may be our mini miracle that helps us face another day, another challenge head on with courage.

The miracles may be found in the touch of a small child running in your arms after a hard day of job hunting, or a parking space found in front of the building where you are interviewing for that much needed job, it may be a warm smile that you glance from your neighbor while sitting at a long stop light, or possibly in an email you received from an old friend, but in every experience and in everything give thanks.

If we spend time giving thanks for the little things our big challenges may not appear so heavy on our spirits. Our thanks and gratitiude may be a blessing for those who are in our lives as well as the motivation we need to change our lives and live it to the fullest.

Wishing you and your families an amazing Thanksgiving Season........

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Email the Blu Butterfli at share your blessings or respond via this blog.
