Monday, October 27, 2008


Our lives today as we know it is rapidly changing. Our economy is uncertain, our children are being snatched right under our noses, employment grows more and more uncertain, schools are no longer a safe haven for our children, community activities have lessened, decreasing the village/family concept. Our political system appears more focused on dispensing personal attacks which divides us and distracts the focus of offering resolution to our emerging issues that effect us daily, and our religious organizations are being challenged like never before to maintain stability and clarity.

What are we going to do? How do we plan to survive it all?
How are we planning to return love back into our homes, schools, and communities? Will we continue hurting one another? When will we take a stand for our lives, our families, and our communities? When will we become people who embrace each other’s differences, and celebrate our uniqueness, rather than constantly condemning one another and raising children to hate?

Let’s talk about it! Let’s begin the communication to learn about one another. Allow our children to socialize together, support one another and share resources.

Can we become a larger community that will not rush to criticize the unknown, and open our minds and hearts to a new experience? Can we begin to live life like it is a special gift?

Share your comments with the BluButterfli via email at

We cannot continue to live life like we have for so long. We need to become active in the healing of our communities and nation.

“I am because we are; we are therefore, I am”. African Proverb

We are nothing without one another.